Member-only story
Why I Don’t Have a Niche
Writing about writing about everything
If you take a look at my profile here on Medium, you’ll notice a trend — there isn’t one. I write about various things that interest me: productivity, fashion, and various other stuff. You’ll also notice that I haven’t posted for months, and I know why.
See, I want to be successful on this site and my metric for success is to gain readers and earn more. And the tried-and-true way to do that, Marketing 101 for anything online if you will, is to create a brand. Find a niche and work the hell out of it. Great, okay, I can do that. What can I focus on? What can I write about regularly?
What is my niche?
Can you hear those crickets chirping? I sure can.
I’ll be honest — I couldn’t think of a single darn niche. I don’t know enough on any one topic, I don’t participate enough in any one scene, and I’m not interesting enough to just get all personal. I don’t want to write in-authentically and that leaves me in a position where I feel like I don’t have much to say. Which is not true at all, and also kind of a stupid headspace to get into. I started this profile writing a variety of articles and never intended to stick to a niche — why did I start feeling the need to start branding myself in a limited way?